Export and Import

Itiel Group

Export and Import, known as international trade in products and services, aims to carry out the entry and exit of products from a given country to another. Our focus is to offer a safe and practical sale, so that your company is a model in the area in which it operates and can have more profitability in its day to day. Our Export and Import work seeks to solve any difficulty you may encounter in your sales process as our commitment is to high performance results, as we are recognized as a commercial representation company in Brazil.

With the knowledge we have regarding international terms, regulatory standards, rights, obligations, contracts and everything that involves the Export and Import of products in general, we guarantee that your company does not have problems that may compromise your purchase activity and sale. We export different modalities, where you can choose the one best suited to your type of activity. In addition, we provide knowledge at each stage of import and export so that you can ensure that everything goes according to plan and in the best possible way, that is, we ensure the best result for your workflow.

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